Source code for odc.stac._mdtools

STAC -> EO3 utilities.

Utilities for translating STAC Items to EO3 Datasets.

# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
from collections import Counter
from copy import copy
from typing import (

import pystac.asset
import pystac.collection
import pystac.errors
import pystac.item
import shapely.geometry
from affine import Affine
from odc.geo import (
from odc.geo.geobox import AnchorEnum, GeoBox, GeoboxAnchor
from odc.geo.types import Unset
from odc.geo.xr import ODCExtension
from pystac.extensions.eo import EOExtension
from pystac.extensions.item_assets import ItemAssetsExtension
from pystac.extensions.projection import ProjectionExtension
from pystac.extensions.raster import RasterBand, RasterExtension
from toolz import dicttoolz

from odc.loader.types import (

from .model import (

ConversionConfig = Dict[str, Any]

EPSG4326 = CRS("EPSG:4326")

# Assets with these roles are ignored unless manually requested
ROLES_THUMBNAIL = {"thumbnail", "overview"}

# Used to detect image assets when media_type is missing

# image/* and these media-type are considered to be raster

def _band_metadata_raw(asset: pystac.asset.Asset) -> List[RasterBand]:
    bands = asset.to_dict().get("raster:bands", None)
    if bands is None:
        return []
    return [RasterBand(props) for props in bands]

def band_metadata(
    asset: pystac.asset.Asset, default: RasterBandMetadata
) -> List[RasterBandMetadata]:
    Compute band metadata from Asset raster extension with defaults from default.

    :param asset: Asset with raster extension
    :param default: Values to use for fallback
    :return: List of BandMetadata constructed from raster:bands metadata
    bands: List[RasterBand] = []
        rext = RasterExtension.ext(asset)
        if rext.bands is not None:
            bands = rext.bands
    except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented:
        bands = _band_metadata_raw(asset)

    if len(bands) == 0:
        return [default]

    return [
            with_default(band.data_type, default.data_type),
            with_default(norm_nodata(band.nodata), default.nodata),
            with_default(band.unit, default.units),
        for band in bands

def has_proj_ext(item: Union[pystac.item.Item, pystac.collection.Collection]) -> bool:
    Check if STAC Item or Collection has projection extension.

    :returns: ``True`` if PROJ extension is enabled
    :returns: ``False`` if no PROJ extension was found
    if ProjectionExtension.has_extension(item):
        return True
    # can remove this block once pystac 1.9.0 is the min supported version
    return any(
        for ext_name in item.stac_extensions

def has_raster_ext(item: Union[pystac.item.Item, pystac.collection.Collection]) -> bool:
    Check if STAC Item/Collection have RasterExtension.

    :returns: ``True`` if Raster extension is enabled
    :returns: ``False`` if no Raster extension was found
    if RasterExtension.has_extension(item):
        return True
    # can remove this block once pystac 1.9.0 is the min supported version
    return any(
        for ext_name in item.stac_extensions

def has_proj_data(asset: pystac.asset.Asset) -> bool:
    Check if STAC Asset contains proj extension data.

    :returns: True if both ``.shape`` and ``.transform`` are set
    :returns: False if either ``.shape`` or ``.transform`` are missing
    prj = ProjectionExtension.ext(asset)
    return prj.shape is not None and prj.transform is not None

def is_raster_data(asset: pystac.asset.Asset, check_proj: bool = False) -> bool:
    Heuristic for determining if Asset points to raster data.

    - If media type looks like image and roles don't look like thumbnail/overview
    - If media type is undefined and roles contains "data"
    - If media type is undefined and href ends on image extension

    :param asset:
       STAC Asset to check

    :param check_proj:
       when enabled check if asset is part of an Item that has projection
       extension enabled and if yes only consider bands with
       projection data as "raster data" bands.
    # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
    #   some of these are for readability

    if check_proj:
        if (
            asset.owner is not None
            and has_proj_ext(asset.owner)  # type: ignore
            and not has_proj_data(asset)
            return False

    roles: Set[str] = set(asset.roles or [])

    media_type = asset.media_type
    if media_type is None:
        # Type undefined
        #   Look if it has data role
        if "data" in roles:
            return True
        if "metadata" in roles:
            return False

        ext = asset.href.split(".")[-1].lower()
        return ext in RASTER_FILE_EXTENSIONS

    media_type, *_ = media_type.split(";")
    media_type = media_type.lower()

    if media_type.startswith("image/"):
        # Image:
        #    False -- when thumbnail
        #    True  -- otherwise
        if any(r in roles for r in ROLES_THUMBNAIL):
            return False
        return True

    if media_type in NON_IMAGE_RASTER_MEDIA_TYPES:
        return True

    # some unsupported mime type
    return False

def mk_1x1_geobox(g: Geometry) -> GeoBox:
    Construct 1x1 pixels GeoBox tightly enclosing supplied geometry.

    :param geom: Geometry in whatever projection
    :return: GeoBox object such that geobox.extent.contains(geom) is True, geobox.shape == (1,1)
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = g.boundingbox
    # note that Y axis is inverted
    #   0,0 -> X_min, Y_max
    #   1,1 -> X_max, Y_min
    return GeoBox((1, 1), Affine((x2 - x1), 0, x1, 0, (y1 - y2), y2),

def asset_geobox(asset: pystac.asset.Asset) -> GeoBox:
    Compute GeoBox from STAC Asset.

    This only works if ProjectionExtension is used with the
    following properties populated:

    - shape
    - transform
    - CRS

    :raises ValueError: when transform,shape or crs are missing
    :raises ValueError: when transform is not Affine.
        _proj = ProjectionExtension.ext(asset)
    except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented:
        raise ValueError("No projection extension defined") from None

    if _proj.shape is None or _proj.transform is None or _proj.crs_string is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "The asset must have the following fields (from the projection extension):"
            " shape, transform, and one of an epsg, wkt2, or projjson"

    h, w = _proj.shape
    if len(_proj.transform) not in (6, 9):
        raise ValueError("Asset transform must be 6 or 9 elements in size")

    if len(_proj.transform) == 9 and _proj.transform[-3:] != [0, 0, 1]:
        raise ValueError(f"Asset transform is not affine: {_proj.transform}")

    affine = Affine(*_proj.transform[:6])
    return GeoBox(wh_(w, h), affine, _proj.crs_string)

def geobox_gsd(geobox: GeoBox) -> float:
    Compute ground sampling distance of a given GeoBox.

    :param geobox: input :class:`~odc.geo.geobox.GeoBox`
    :returns: Minimum ground sampling distance along X/Y
    return min(map(abs, [geobox.transform.a, geobox.transform.e]))  # type: ignore

def compute_eo3_grids(
    assets: Dict[str, pystac.asset.Asset]
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, GeoBox], Dict[str, str]]:
    Compute a minimal set of eo3 grids.

    Pick default one, give names to non-default grids, while keeping track of
    which asset has which grid

    Assets must have ProjectionExtension with shape, transform and crs information
    assert len(assets) > 0

    geoboxes = dicttoolz.valmap(asset_geobox, assets)
    return _group_geoboxes(geoboxes)

def _group_geoboxes(
    geoboxes: Dict[str, GeoBox]
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, GeoBox], Dict[str, str]]:
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    assert len(geoboxes) > 0

    def gbox_name(geobox: GeoBox) -> str:
        gsd = geobox_gsd(geobox)
        return f"g{gsd:g}"

    # GeoBox to list of bands that share same footprint
    grids: Dict[GeoBox, List[str]] = {}
    crs: Optional[CRS] = None

    for k, geobox in geoboxes.items():
        grids.setdefault(geobox, []).append(k)

    # Default grid is the one with highest count of bands
    #   If there is a tie pick one with the smallest ground sampling distance
    def gbox_score(geobox: GeoBox) -> Tuple[int, float]:
        return (-len(grids[geobox]), geobox_gsd(geobox))

    # locate default grid
    g_default, *_ = sorted(grids, key=gbox_score)

    named_grids: Dict[str, GeoBox] = {}
    band2grid: Dict[str, str] = {}
    for grid, bands in grids.items():
        if crs is None:
            crs =

        grid_name = "default" if grid is g_default else gbox_name(grid)
        if grid_name in named_grids:
            band, *_ = bands
            grid_name = f"{grid_name}-{band}"

        named_grids[grid_name] = grid
        for band in bands:
            band2grid[band] = grid_name

    return named_grids, band2grid

def band2grid_from_gsd(assets: Dict[str, pystac.asset.Asset]) -> Dict[str, str]:
    if not assets:
        return {}

    grids: Dict[float, List[str]] = {}
    for name, asset in assets.items():
        gsd = asset.common_metadata.gsd
        gsd = 0 if gsd is None else gsd
        gsd_normed = float(f"{gsd:g}")
        grids.setdefault(gsd_normed, []).append(name)

    # Default grid is one with largest number of bands
    # .. and lowest gsd when there is a tie
    (_, default_gsd), *_ = sorted((-len(bands), gsd) for gsd, bands in grids.items())
    band2grid = {}
    for gsd, bands in grids.items():
        grid_name = "default" if gsd == default_gsd else f"g{gsd:g}"
        for band in bands:
            band2grid[band] = grid_name

    return band2grid

def _extract_aliases(
    asset_name: str,
    asset: pystac.asset.Asset,
    block_list: Set[str],
) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, int, BandKey]]:
        eo = EOExtension.ext(asset)
    except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented:
    if eo.bands is None:

    for idx, band in enumerate(eo.bands):
        for alias in [, band.common_name]:
            if alias is not None and alias not in block_list:
                yield (alias, len(eo.bands), (asset_name, idx + 1))

def alias_map_from_eo(item: pystac.item.Item) -> Dict[str, List[BandKey]]:
    Generate mapping ``common name -> canonical name``.

    For all unique common names defined on the Item's assets via the eo
    extension, record a mapping to the asset key ("canonical name"). Non-unique
    common names are ignored with a warning unless ``quiet`` flag is set.

    :param item: STAC :class:`~pystac.item.Item` to process
    :return: common name to (asset, idx) mapping
    aliases: Dict[str, List[BandKey]] = {}

    asset_band_counts: Dict[str, int] = {}
    asset_names = set(item.assets)
    for asset_name, asset in item.assets.items():
        for alias, count, bkey in _extract_aliases(asset_name, asset, asset_names):
            aliases.setdefault(alias, []).append(bkey)
            asset_band_counts[asset_name] = count

    # Alias pointing to an asset with fewer bands is
    # of higher priority, 1-band data asset vs 3 band visual
    def _cmp(x):
        asset, _ = x
        return (asset_band_counts[asset], asset)

    return {alias: sorted(bands, key=_cmp) for alias, bands in aliases.items()}

def mk_sample_item(collection: pystac.collection.Collection) -> pystac.item.Item:
        item_assets = ItemAssetsExtension.ext(collection).item_assets
    except pystac.errors.ExtensionNotImplemented:
        raise ValueError(
            "This only works on Collections with ItemAssets extension"
        ) from None

    item = pystac.item.Item(
        datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1),

    for name, asset in item_assets.items():
        _asset = {"href": ""}
        item.add_asset(name, pystac.asset.Asset.from_dict(_asset))

    return item

def _collection_id(item: pystac.item.Item) -> str:
    # choose first that is set
    # 1. collection_id
    # 2. odc:product
    # 3. "_"
    if item.collection_id is None:
        # early ODC data
        return str("odc:product", "_"))
    return str(item.collection_id)

class _CMDAssembler:
    Incrementally build up collection metadata from item stream.

    Expect to see items of the same collection only.

    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods,too-many-instance-attributes

    def __init__(
        collection_id: str,
        cfg: Optional[ConversionConfig] = None,
        md_plugin: MDParser | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        if cfg is None:
            cfg = {}

        self._cfg = MDParseConfig.from_dict(cfg, collection_id)
        self.check_proj: bool = not self._cfg.ignore_proj
        self.has_proj: Optional[bool] = None
        self.collection_id = collection_id Optional[RasterCollectionMetadata] = None
        self.md_plugin = md_plugin
        self._asset_keeps: Dict[str, bool] = {}
        self._known_assets: Set[str] = set()

    def _keep(self, kv: Tuple[str, pystac.asset.Asset]) -> bool:
        c = self._cfg
        name, asset = kv
        if name in c.band_cfg:
            return True
        assert self.has_proj is not None
        return is_raster_data(asset, check_proj=self.has_proj)

    def _extract_bands(
        self, name: str, asset: pystac.asset.Asset
    ) -> Dict[BandKey, RasterBandMetadata]:
        c = self._cfg
        bm = c.band_cfg.get(name, None)
        if bm is not None:
            return {(name, 1): copy(bm)}

        bm = c.band_cfg.get(f"{name}.*", None)
        if bm is None:
            bm = c.band_defaults

        bands = band_metadata(asset, bm)

        return {(name, idx + 1): bm for idx, bm in enumerate(bands)}

    def _bootstrap(self, item: pystac.item.Item):
        """Called on the very first item only."""
        self.has_proj = has_proj_ext(item) if self.check_proj else False
        if self.md_plugin is not None:
            md = self.md_plugin.extract(item)
            used_assets = set(n for n, _ in md.bands)
            data_bands = {n: item.assets[n] for n in used_assets}
            data_bands = dicttoolz.itemfilter(self._keep, item.assets)

            # found no data bands with check_proj=True
            # so try again with check_proj=False
            if len(data_bands) == 0 and self.has_proj:
                self.has_proj = False
                self.check_proj = False
                data_bands = dicttoolz.itemfilter(self._keep, item.assets)

            bands: Dict[BandKey, RasterBandMetadata] = {}
            aliases = alias_map_from_eo(item)

            # 1. If band in user config -- use that
            # 2. Use data from raster extension (with fallback to "*" config)
            # 3. Use config for "*" from user config as fallback
            for name, asset in data_bands.items():
                bands.update(self._extract_bands(name, asset))

            for alias, bkey in self._cfg.aliases.items():
                aliases.setdefault(alias, []).insert(0, bkey)
            md = RasterGroupMetadata(
                bands, aliases, self._cfg.extra_dims, self._cfg.extra_coords

        # We assume that grouping of data bands into grids is consistent across
        # entire collection, so we compute it once and keep it
        if self.has_proj:
            _, band2grid = compute_eo3_grids(data_bands)
            band2grid = band2grid_from_gsd(data_bands)

        self._asset_keeps = {name: name in data_bands for name in item.assets}
        self._known_assets = set(self._asset_keeps) = RasterCollectionMetadata(

    def update(self, item: pystac.item.Item):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
        if is None:

        new_assets = set(item.assets) - self._known_assets
        if len(new_assets) == 0:

        new_data_assets: List[Tuple[str, pystac.asset.Asset]] = []
        for name in new_assets:
            asset = item.assets[name]
            is_data = self._keep((name, asset))
            self._asset_keeps[name] = is_data
            if is_data:
                new_data_assets.append((name, asset))
        self._known_assets = set(self._asset_keeps)

        # some new assets that we don't care about
        if len(new_data_assets) == 0:

        bands =
        aliases =
        band2grid =

        # GeoBox -> grid name
        grid2band: Dict[GeoBox, str] = {}
        if self.has_proj:
            for name, asset in item.assets.items():
                if (grid_name := band2grid.get(name, None)) is not None:
                    grid2band[asset_geobox(asset)] = grid_name

        for name, asset in new_data_assets:
            bands.update(self._extract_bands(name, asset))

            # update alias table
            for alias, count, bkey in _extract_aliases(name, asset, self._known_assets):
                _bands = aliases.setdefault(alias, [])
                if count == 1:
                    _bands.insert(0, bkey)

            if self.has_proj:
                band2grid[name] = grid2band.get(asset_geobox(asset), f"grid-{name}")

[docs] def extract_collection_metadata( item: pystac.item.Item, cfg: Optional[ConversionConfig] = None, md_plugin: MDParser | None = None, ) -> RasterCollectionMetadata: """ Use sample item to figure out raster bands within the collection. 1. Decide which assets contain raster data 2. Extract metadata about about rasters from STAC or from ``cfg`` 3. See if ``proj`` data is available and group bands by resolution 4. Construct alias map from common names and user config :param item: Representative STAC item from a collection. :param cfg: Optional user configuration :return: :py:class:`~odc.stac._model.RasterCollectionMetadata` """ collection_id = _collection_id(item) proc = _CMDAssembler(collection_id, cfg, md_plugin) proc.update(item) assert is not None return
[docs] def parse_item( item: pystac.item.Item, template: Union[RasterCollectionMetadata, ConversionConfig, None] = None, md_plugin: MDParser | None = None, ) -> ParsedItem: """ Extract raster band information relevant for data loading. :param item: STAC Item :param template: Common collection level information :return: ``ParsedItem`` """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals if not isinstance(template, RasterCollectionMetadata): template = extract_collection_metadata(item, template, md_plugin) band2grid = template.band2grid has_proj = False if template.has_proj is False else has_proj_ext(item) _assets = item.assets _acc_names = list(_assets.keys()) _grids: Dict[str, GeoBox] = {} bands: Dict[BandKey, RasterSource] = {} geometry: Optional[Geometry] = None if item.geometry is not None: geometry = Geometry(item.geometry, EPSG4326) def _get_grid(grid_name: str, asset: pystac.asset.Asset) -> GeoBox: grid = _grids.get(grid_name, None) if grid is not None: return grid grid = asset_geobox(asset) _grids[grid_name] = grid return grid for bk, meta in template.meta.bands.items(): asset_name, band_idx = bk asset = _assets.get(asset_name) if asset is None: continue # the assets that aren't bands should be accessories if asset_name in _acc_names: _acc_names.remove(asset_name) grid_name = band2grid.get(asset_name, "default") geobox: Optional[GeoBox] = _get_grid(grid_name, asset) if has_proj else None uri = asset.get_absolute_href() if uri is None: raise ValueError( f"Can not determine absolute path for band: {asset_name}" ) # pragma: no cover ( driver_data: Any = None subdataset: str | None = None if md_plugin is not None: driver_data = md_plugin.driver_data(asset, bk) if isinstance(driver_data, dict): subdataset = driver_data.get("subdataset", None) # Assumption: if extra dims are defined then asset bands are loaded into 3d+ array if meta.extra_dims: band_idx = 0 bands[bk] = RasterSource( uri=uri, band=band_idx, subdataset=subdataset, geobox=geobox, meta=meta, driver_data=driver_data, ) accessories = {name: {"path": _assets[name].href} for name in _acc_names} md = item.common_metadata return ParsedItem(, template, bands, geometry, datetime=item.datetime, datetime_range=(md.start_datetime, md.end_datetime), href=item.get_self_href(), accessories=accessories, )
[docs] def parse_items( items: Iterable[pystac.item.Item], cfg: Optional[ConversionConfig] = None, md_plugin: MDParser | None = None, ) -> Iterator[ParsedItem]: """ Parse sequence of STAC Items into internal representation. Exposed for debugging purposes. """ proc_cache: Dict[str, _CMDAssembler] = {} for item in items: collection_id = _collection_id(item) proc = proc_cache.get(collection_id, None) if proc is None: proc = _CMDAssembler(collection_id, cfg, md_plugin=md_plugin) proc_cache[collection_id] = proc proc.update(item) yield parse_item(item,, md_plugin)
def _most_common_gbox( gboxes: Sequence[GeoBox], thresh: float = 0.1, ) -> Tuple[Optional[CRS], Resolution, GeoboxAnchor, Optional[GeoBox]]: gboxes = list(gboxes) # First check for identical geoboxes _gboxes = set(gboxes) if len(_gboxes) == 1: g = _gboxes.pop() return (, g.resolution, g.anchor, g) # Most common shared CRS, Resolution, Anchor gg = [(, g.resolution, g.anchor) for g in gboxes] hist = Counter(gg) (best, n), *_ = hist.most_common(1) if n / len(gg) > thresh: return (*best, None) # too few in the majority group # redo ignoring anchor this time hist = Counter((crs, res) for crs, res, _ in gg) (best, _), *_ = hist.most_common(1) return (*best, AnchorEnum.EDGE, None) def _auto_load_params( items: Sequence[ParsedItem], bands: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None ) -> Optional[Tuple[Optional[CRS], Resolution, GeoboxAnchor, Optional[GeoBox]]]: def _extract_gbox( item: ParsedItem, ) -> Optional[GeoBox]: gbx = item.geoboxes(bands) return gbx[0] if len(gbx) else None geoboxes = [gbox for gbox in map(_extract_gbox, items) if gbox is not None] if len(geoboxes) == 0: return None return _most_common_gbox(geoboxes, 0.1) def _normalize_geometry(xx: Any) -> Geometry: if isinstance(xx, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry): return Geometry(xx, "epsg:4326") if isinstance(xx, Geometry): return xx if isinstance(xx, dict): return Geometry(xx, "epsg:4326") # GeoPandas _geo = getattr(xx, "__geo_interface__", None) if _geo is None: raise ValueError("Can't interpret value as geometry") _crs = getattr(xx, "crs", "epsg:4326") return Geometry(_geo, _crs) def _compute_bbox( items: Iterable[ParsedItem], crs: MaybeCRS, bands: BandQuery = None, ) -> geom.BoundingBox: def bboxes(items: Iterable[ParsedItem]) -> Iterator[geom.BoundingBox]: crs0 = crs for item in items: g = item.safe_geometry(crs0, bands=bands) assert g is not None if crs0 is crs: # If crs is something like "utm", make sure # same one is used going forward crs0 = yield g.boundingbox return geom.bbox_union(bboxes(items)) def _align2anchor( align: Optional[Union[float, int, XY[float]]], resolution: SomeResolution ) -> GeoboxAnchor: if align is None: return AnchorEnum.EDGE if isinstance(align, (float, int)): align = xy_(align, align) # support old-style "align", which is basically anchor but in CRS units ax, ay = align.xy if ax == 0 and ay == 0: return AnchorEnum.EDGE resolution = res_(resolution) return xy_(ax / abs(resolution.x), ay / abs(resolution.y))
[docs] def output_geobox( items: Sequence[ParsedItem], bands: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, *, crs: MaybeCRS = Unset(), resolution: Optional[SomeResolution] = None, anchor: Optional[GeoboxAnchor] = None, align: Optional[Union[float, int, XY[float]]] = None, geobox: Optional[GeoBox] = None, like: Optional[Any] = None, geopolygon: Optional[Any] = None, bbox: Optional[Tuple[float, float, float, float]] = None, lon: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, lat: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, x: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, y: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, ) -> Optional[GeoBox]: """ Used to compute output geobox from load parameters. Exposed at top-level for debugging. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches,too-many-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements,too-many-arguments # geobox, like --> GeoBox # lon,lat --> geopolygon[epsg:4326] # bbox --> geopolygon[epsg:4326] # x,y,crs --> geopolygon[crs] # [items] --> crs, geopolygon[crs] # [items] --> crs, resolution # geopolygon, crs, resolution[, anchor|align] --> GeoBox params = { k for k, v in { "x": x, "y": y, "lon": lon, "lat": lat, "crs": crs, "resolution": resolution, "align": align, "anchor": anchor, "like": like, "geopolygon": geopolygon, "bbox": bbox, "geobox": geobox, }.items() if not (v is None or isinstance(v, Unset)) } def report_extra_args(primary: str, *ok_args): args = params - set([primary, *ok_args]) if len(args) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Too many arguments when using `{primary}=`: {','.join(args)}" ) def check_arg_sets(*args: str) -> bool: x = params & set(args) if len(x) == 0 or len(x) == len(args): return True return False if geobox is not None: report_extra_args("geobox") return geobox if like is not None: report_extra_args("like") if isinstance(like, GeoBox): return like _odc = getattr(like, "odc", None) if _odc is None: raise ValueError("No geospatial info on `like=` input") assert isinstance(_odc, ODCExtension) if _odc.geobox is None: raise ValueError("No geospatial info on `like=` input") assert isinstance(_odc.geobox, GeoBox) return _odc.geobox if not check_arg_sets("x", "y"): raise ValueError("Need to supply both x= and y=") if not check_arg_sets("lon", "lat"): raise ValueError("Need to supply both lon= and lat=") if isinstance(crs, Unset): crs = None grid_params = ("crs", "align", "anchor", "resolution") query_crs: Optional[CRS] = None if geopolygon is not None: geopolygon = _normalize_geometry(geopolygon) query_crs = # Normalize x.y||bbox|geopolygon arguments to a geopolygon|None if geopolygon is not None: report_extra_args("geopolygon", *grid_params) elif bbox is not None: report_extra_args("bbox", *grid_params) x0, y0, x1, y1 = bbox geopolygon =, y0, x1, y1, EPSG4326) elif lat is not None and lon is not None: # lon=(x0, x1), lat=(y0, y1) report_extra_args("lon,lat", "lon", "lat", *grid_params) x0, x1 = sorted(lon) y0, y1 = sorted(lat) geopolygon =, y0, x1, y1, EPSG4326) elif x is not None and y is not None: if crs is None: raise ValueError("Need to supply `crs=` when using `x=`, `y=`.") report_extra_args("x,y", "x", "y", *grid_params) x0, x1 = sorted(x) y0, y1 = sorted(y) geopolygon =, y0, x1, y1, crs) full_auto = len(params) == 0 _anchor: GeoboxAnchor = AnchorEnum.EDGE _the_gbox: Optional[GeoBox] = None if crs is None or resolution is None: rr = _auto_load_params(items, bands) if rr is not None: _crs, _res, _anchor, _the_gbox = rr else: _crs, _res = None, None if full_auto and _the_gbox is not None: return _the_gbox if crs is None: crs = _crs or query_crs if resolution is None: resolution = _res if resolution is None or crs is None: return None if anchor is None: anchor = _anchor if align is None else _align2anchor(align, resolution) if geopolygon is not None: assert isinstance(geopolygon, Geometry) return GeoBox.from_geopolygon( geopolygon, resolution=resolution, crs=crs, anchor=anchor, ) # compute from parsed items _bbox = _compute_bbox(items, crs) return GeoBox.from_bbox(_bbox, resolution=resolution, anchor=anchor)