Source code for odc.loader.types

"""Metadata and data loading model classes."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
from dataclasses import astuple, dataclass, field, replace
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from odc.geo import Unset
from odc.geo.geobox import GeoBox, GeoBoxBase

T = TypeVar("T")

BandKey = Tuple[str, int]
"""Asset Name, band index within an asset (1 based)."""

BandIdentifier = Union[str, BandKey]
"""Alias or canonical band identifier."""

BandQuery = Optional[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]
"""One|All|Some bands"""

ReaderSubsetSelection = Any

[docs] @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class RasterBandMetadata: """ Common raster metadata per band. We assume that all assets of the same name have the same "structure" across different items within a collection. Specifically, that they encode pixels with the same data type, use the same ``nodata`` value and have common units. These values are extracted from the ``eo:bands`` extension, but can also be supplied by the user from the config. """ data_type: Optional[str] = None """Numpy compatible dtype string.""" nodata: Optional[float] = None """Nodata marker/fill_value.""" units: str = "1" """Units of the pixel data.""" dims: Tuple[str, ...] = () """Dimension names for this band. e.g. ("y", "x", "wavelength") """ def with_defaults(self, defaults: "RasterBandMetadata") -> "RasterBandMetadata": """ Merge with another metadata object, using self as the primary source. If a field is None in self, use the value from defaults. """ return RasterBandMetadata( data_type=with_default(self.data_type, defaults.data_type), nodata=with_default(self.nodata, defaults.nodata), units=with_default(self.units, defaults.units, "1"), dims=with_default(self.dims, defaults.dims, ()), ) def patch(self, **kwargs) -> "RasterBandMetadata": """ Return a new object with updated fields. """ return replace(self, **kwargs) def __dask_tokenize__(self): return astuple(self) def _repr_json_(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return a JSON serializable representation of the RasterBandMetadata object. """ return { "data_type": self.data_type, "nodata": _maybe_json(self.nodata), "units": self.units, "dims": self.dims, } @property def extra_dims(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Non-spatial dimension names. """ return _extra_dims(self.dims) @property def ydim(self) -> int: """Index of y dimension, typically 0.""" return _ydim(self.dims) @property def ndim(self) -> int: """Number of dimensions.""" return len(self.extra_dims) + 2 @property def unit(self) -> str: """ Alias for units. """ return self.units @property def dtype(self) -> str | None: """ Alias for data_type. """ return self.data_type
@dataclass(eq=True) class FixedCoord: """ Encodes extra coordinate info. """ name: str values: Sequence[Any] dtype: str = "" dim: str = "" units: str = "1" def __post_init__(self): if not self.dtype: self.dtype = np.array(self.values).dtype.str if not self.dim: self.dim = def _repr_json_(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return a JSON serializable representation of the FixedCoord object. """ return { "name":, "values": [_maybe_json(v) for v in self.values], "dim": self.dim, "dtype": str(self.dtype), "units": str(self.units), } @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class RasterGroupMetadata: """ STAC Collection/Datacube Product abstraction. """ bands: Dict[BandKey, RasterBandMetadata] """ Bands are assets that contain raster data. This controls which assets are extracted from STAC. """ aliases: dict[str, list[BandKey]] = field(default_factory=dict) """ Alias map ``alias -> [(asset, idx),...]``. Used to rename bands at load time. """ extra_dims: dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict) """ Expected extra dimensions other than time and spatial. Must be same size across items/datasets. """ extra_coords: Sequence[FixedCoord] = () """ Coordinates for extra dimensions. Must be same values across items/datasets. """ def patch(self, **kwargs) -> "RasterGroupMetadata": """ Return a new object with updated fields. """ return replace(self, **kwargs) def _repr_json_(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return a JSON serializable representation of the RasterGroupMetadata object. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access return { "bands": { f"{name}.{idx}": v._repr_json_() for (name, idx), v in self.bands.items() }, "aliases": self.aliases, "extra_dims": self.extra_dims, "extra_coords": [c._repr_json_() for c in self.extra_coords], } def extra_dims_full(self, band: BandIdentifier | None = None) -> dict[str, int]: dims = {**self.extra_dims} for coord in self.extra_coords: if coord.dim not in dims: dims[coord.dim] = len(coord.values) if band is not None: band_dims = self.bands[norm_key(band)].dims dims = {k: v for k, v in dims.items() if k in band_dims} return dims
[docs] @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class RasterSource: """ Captures known information about a single band. """ uri: str """Asset location.""" band: int = 1 """One based band index (default=1).""" subdataset: Optional[str] = None """Used for netcdf/hdf5 sources.""" geobox: Optional[GeoBoxBase] = None """Data footprint/shape/projection if known.""" meta: Optional[RasterBandMetadata] = None """Expected raster dtype/nodata.""" driver_data: Any = None """IO Driver specific extra data.""" def patch(self, **kwargs) -> "RasterSource": """ Return a new object with updated fields. """ return replace(self, **kwargs) def strip(self) -> "RasterSource": """ Copy with minimal data only. Removes geobox, as it's not needed for data loading. """ return RasterSource( self.uri,, subdataset=self.subdataset, geobox=None, meta=self.meta, driver_data=self.driver_data, ) @property def ydim(self) -> int: """Index of y dimension, typically 0.""" if self.meta is None: return 0 return self.meta.ydim def __dask_tokenize__(self): return (self.uri,, self.subdataset) def _repr_json_(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return a JSON serializable representation of the RasterSource object. """ doc = { "uri": self.uri, "band":, } if self.subdataset is not None: doc["subdataset"] = self.subdataset if self.meta is not None: doc.update(self.meta._repr_json_()) # pylint: disable=protected-access gbox = self.geobox if gbox is not None: doc["crs"] = str( doc["shape"] = list(gbox.shape.yx) if isinstance(gbox, GeoBox): doc["transform"] = [*gbox.transform][:6] doc["driver_data"] = _maybe_json( self.driver_data, allow_nan=False, roundtrip=True, on_error="SET, NOT JSON SERIALIZABLE", ) return doc
MultiBandRasterSource = Union[ Mapping[str, RasterSource], Mapping[BandIdentifier, RasterSource], ] """Mapping from band name to RasterSource."""
[docs] @dataclass class RasterLoadParams: """ Captures data loading configuration. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes dtype: Optional[str] = None """Output dtype, default same as source.""" fill_value: Optional[float] = None """Value to use for missing pixels.""" src_nodata_fallback: Optional[float] = None """ Fallback ``nodata`` marker for source. Used to deal with broken data sources. If file is missing ``nodata`` marker and ``src_nodata_fallback`` is set then treat source pixels with that value as missing. """ src_nodata_override: Optional[float] = None """ Override ``nodata`` marker for source. Used to deal with broken data sources. Ignore ``nodata`` marker of the source file even if present and use this value instead. """ use_overviews: bool = True """ Disable use of overview images. Set to ``False`` to always read from the main image ignoring overview images even when present in the data source. """ resampling: str = "nearest" """Resampling method to use.""" fail_on_error: bool = True """Quit on the first error or continue.""" dims: Tuple[str, ...] = () """Dimension names for this band.""" def patch(self, **kwargs) -> "RasterLoadParams": """ Return a new object with updated fields. """ return replace(self, **kwargs) @property def ydim(self) -> int: """Index of y dimension, typically 0.""" return _ydim(self.dims) @property def extra_dims(self) -> tuple[str, ...]: """ Non-spatial dimension names. """ return _extra_dims(self.dims) @staticmethod def same_as(src: Union[RasterBandMetadata, RasterSource]) -> "RasterLoadParams": """Construct from source object.""" if isinstance(src, RasterBandMetadata): meta = src else: meta = src.meta or RasterBandMetadata() dtype = meta.data_type if dtype is None: dtype = "float32" return RasterLoadParams(dtype=dtype, fill_value=meta.nodata, dims=meta.dims) @property def nearest(self) -> bool: """Report True if nearest resampling is used.""" return self.resampling == "nearest" def __dask_tokenize__(self): return astuple(self) def _repr_json_(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return a JSON serializable representation of the RasterLoadParams object. """ return { "dtype": _maybe_json(self.dtype, on_error=str), "fill_value": _maybe_json(self.fill_value), "src_nodata_fallback": self.src_nodata_fallback, "src_nodata_override": self.src_nodata_override, "use_overviews": self.use_overviews, "resampling": self.resampling, "fail_on_error": self.fail_on_error, "dims": list(self.dims), }
class MDParser(Protocol): """ Protocol for metadata parsers. - Parse group level metadata - data bands and their expected type - extra dimensions and coordinates - Extract driver specific data """ def extract(self, md: Any) -> RasterGroupMetadata: ... def driver_data(self, md: Any, band_key: BandKey) -> Any: ... class RasterReader(Protocol): """ Protocol for raster readers. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def read( self, cfg: RasterLoadParams, dst_geobox: GeoBox, *, dst: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, selection: Optional[ReaderSubsetSelection] = None, ) -> tuple[tuple[slice, slice], np.ndarray]: ... class DaskRasterReader(Protocol): """ Protocol for raster readers that produce Dask sub-graphs. ``.read`` method should return a Dask future evaluating to a numpy array of pixels for a given geobox, alternatively dask future may evaluate to a subset of the geobox overlapping with the source. In this case Dask future should evaluate to a tuple: ``(yx_slice, pixels)``, such that ``dst_geobox[yx_slice].shape == pixels.shape[ydim:ydim+2]``. """ # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def read( self, dst_geobox: GeoBox, *, selection: Optional[ReaderSubsetSelection] = None, idx: tuple[int, ...], ) -> Any: ... def open( self, src: RasterSource, cfg: RasterLoadParams, ctx: Any, *, layer_name: str, idx: int, ) -> "DaskRasterReader": ... class ReaderDriver(Protocol): """ Protocol for reader drivers. """ def new_load( self, geobox: GeoBox, *, chunks: None | Dict[str, int] = None, ) -> Any: ... def finalise_load(self, load_state: Any) -> Any: ... def capture_env(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ... def restore_env( self, env: dict[str, Any], load_state: Any ) -> ContextManager[Any]: ... def open(self, src: RasterSource, ctx: Any) -> RasterReader: ... @property def md_parser(self) -> MDParser | None: ... @property def dask_reader(self) -> DaskRasterReader | None: ... ReaderDriverSpec = Union[str, ReaderDriver] def is_reader_driver(x: Any) -> bool: """ Check if x is a ReaderDriver. """ expected_attributes = [x for x in dir(ReaderDriver) if not x.startswith("_")] return all(hasattr(x, a) for a in expected_attributes) BAND_DEFAULTS = RasterBandMetadata("float32", None, "1") def with_default(v: Optional[T], default_value: T, *other_defaults) -> T: """ Replace ``None`` with default value. :param v: Value that might be None :param default_value: Default value of the same type as v :return: ``v`` unless it is ``None`` then return ``default_value`` instead """ if v is None: return default_value if v in other_defaults: return default_value return v def norm_nodata(nodata) -> Union[float, None]: if nodata is None: return None if isinstance(nodata, (int, float)): return nodata return float(nodata) def norm_band_metadata( v: Union[RasterBandMetadata, Mapping[str, Any]], fallback: RasterBandMetadata = BAND_DEFAULTS, ) -> RasterBandMetadata: if isinstance(v, RasterBandMetadata): return v # in STAC it's "unit" not "units", so check both units = v.get("units", v.get("unit", fallback.units)) # non-STAC addition dims = v.get("dims", v.get("dims", fallback.dims)) return RasterBandMetadata( v.get("data_type", fallback.data_type), v.get("nodata", norm_nodata(fallback.nodata)), units, tuple(dims), ) def norm_key(k: BandIdentifier) -> BandKey: """ ("band", i) -> ("band", i) "band" -> ("band", 1) "band.3" -> ("band", 3) """ if isinstance(k, str): parts = k.rsplit(".", 1) if len(parts) == 2: return parts[0], int(parts[1]) return (k, 1) return k def _ydim(dims: Tuple[str, ...]) -> int: if dims: return dims.index("y") return 0 def _extra_dims(dims: tuple[str, ...]) -> tuple[str, ...]: if not dims: return () ydim = _ydim(dims) return dims[:ydim] + dims[ydim + 2 :] def _jsonify_float(nodata: float) -> float | str: assert isinstance(nodata, float) if np.isfinite(nodata): return nodata return str(nodata) def _maybe_json( obj, *, on_error=Unset(), allow_nan: bool = False, roundtrip: bool = False, ): """ Try to convert object to json string, return on_error on failure """ # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda-assignment if isinstance(obj, (int, str, bool, type(None))): return obj if isinstance(obj, float): return _jsonify_float(obj) if isinstance(on_error, Unset): on_error = lambda _: "** NOT JSON SERIALIZABLE **" if not callable(on_error): on_error = lambda _: on_error try: json_txt = json.dumps(obj, allow_nan=allow_nan) except ValueError: return on_error(obj) if roundtrip: try: obj = json.loads(json_txt) except ValueError: return on_error(obj) return obj